Error codes

The full list of Payrails error codes and how to resolve them.

When integrating Payrails API, you can sometimes receive an error response. We make it easy to understand and fix those errors so that our systems can integrate smoothly.

HTTP status codes

Our API replies with different HTTP status codes as the first layer of information on the results of your requests. However, always remember that it is important to dig deeper into the response body to understand the reason for the status code.


HTTP status code 200 is not always a success

When requesting a payment authorization, an HTTP status code 200 doesn't mean that the payment was successful, but just that the communication with the Payment Provider was done successfully. However, their response could've been that the payment was declined, so you should analyze the response body to understand the result.

The following is the list of HTTP status codes that our API can return.

200OKEverything worked as expected.
201CreatedYour request was successful, and a new resource has been created.
202AcceptedYour request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. Check our Notifications documentation for how to handle these.
400Bad RequestThe server cannot process your request due to a client error (e.g., malformed syntax).
401UnauthorizedAuthentication is required, and your request lacks valid authentication credentials.
403ForbiddenWe understood your request but refused to authorize it with your current authentication.
404Not FoundWe cannot find the requested resource.
405Method Not AllowedThe method specified in your request is not allowed for the resource.
408Request TimeoutThe request timed out.
409ConflictYour request conflicts with the current state of the resource.
422Unprocessable EntityWe are unable to process your request with the provider parameters or body. Check the response body for more details.
429Too Many RequestsYou've sent too many requests in a given amount of time.
499Request CanceledThe request was canceled by the client before the server could process it.
500Internal ErrorYou should never get this error, but in case you do, please contact our Support Team.
503Service UnavailableThe request cannot be processed due to unavailability of service (e.g provider connection error).

Error structure

All the 4xx errors will specify details about the problem inside the response body. Those errors will have the structure explained in the following table.

idUUIDIdentifier of the error request in Payrails system. Please share this value when working with our team to debug the error.
codeStringMachine-friendly code for the error. The next section contains a list of all possible values, meanings, and resolutions.
detailStringText explaining the error in Human readable format.
docUrlURLDirect link to the documentation of the error.
reasonObjectOptional. Additional information about the context of this error.

When returned by our API, these errors look like this:

  "errors": [
      "id": "a24bc325-3929-4d9d-9c08-b3aa532685b7",
      "code": "workflow.action.failed",
      "detail": "The execution of the requested workflow action failed",
      "docUrl": "",
      "reason": { /*This includes more details about the reason of the error and includes some optional values.*/ }

The optional reason section can look like this, for the case of a rejected payment attempt:

"reason": {
  "category": "Instrument",
  "result": "BlockedInstrument",
  "source": "Customer",
  "detail": "LostInstrument"

List of error codes

The following is a list of the possible values for the code field in Payrails errors, and some advice on how to fix them.


Description The format or structure of your request does not adhere to the required specifications. It could be due to missing or incorrectly formatted parameters, invalid JSON, or other syntactical errors within the request payload.
Resolution Double-check your request payload, parameters, and structure against our API documentation.


Description Your request lacks the necessary credentials to access the requested resource or perform the specified action.
Resolution Check if your headers contain the necessary and valid access token. You can obtain a new one by calling the Access Token API.


Description Your request is properly authenticated, but your credentials lack the required permissions to perform the requested operation.
Resolution Check the roles and permissions of your current credentials.


Description The requested resource was not found in our system.
Resolution Double-check the URL or the resource identifier to ensure its correctness.


Description The request timed out.
Resolution You can retry the request, with the same idempotency key if the endpoint requires one.


Description Your requested operation cannot be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
Resolution Check for specific error details or additional information provided in the error response to understand the nature of the conflict.


Description Your request is missing a required header.
Resolution Check the specific error in the response body to know which parameter is missing.


Description Your request contains a header that is not in the required format or its value is not the expected one.
Resolution Check the specific error in the response body to know which header is invalid.


Description Your request is missing a required parameter.
Resolution Check the specific error in the response body to know which parameter is missing.


Description Your request contains a header that is not in the required format or its value is not the expected one.
Resolution Check the specific error in the response body to know which parameter is invalid.


Description Your request method is not in the required format or its value is not the expected one.
Resolution Retry the request using the standard method for the operation.


Description The request was canceled by the client before the server could process it.
Resolution Retry sending the request in case you want to complete it.


Description You have sent too many requests in a short duration.
Resolution Retry sending the request after some time.


Description The action you're requesting is not allowed for this workflow or for its current state. For example, you cannot execute a Capture action without a successful Authorize action before.
Resolution Check your workflow configuration with the Payrails team.


Description There was a problem during the execution of a Workflow Action.
Resolution Check the response body for more specific information about the problem under the reason field. There you will find result from Result Codes, category, source and detail.


Description There was a problem during the resolution of a Rule in your Workflow.
Resolution Check the response body for more specific information about the problem.


Description Something wrong happened inside Payrails system.
Resolution Contact Payrails Support Team.


Description The request cannot be processed due to unavailability of service, connection outage or timeout.
Resolution Retry sending the request or contact Payrails Support Team.