SDK Events Glossary

This page describes events sent by Payrails SDKs

Event types

Payrails Web SDK has two categories of events:

CategoryDescriptionEvent Names
UI EventsEvents which are triggered on user interaction with an SDK element or when the payment methods gets shown/ removed from the screen.onChange, onFocus, onCardChange, onSaveInstrumentCheckboxChanged, onPaymentButtonClicked, onReady, onGooglePayAvailable, onApplePayAvailable, onPaypalAvailable,onAvailable, onPaymentOptionSelected
Payment EventsEvents which are related to the payment authorization lifecycle.onAuthorizeSuccess, onAuthorizeFailed, onThreeDSecureChallenge, onPaymentSessionExpired

Rules for Event Execution

While UI events are async and trigger on user interaction (such as onChange, onFocus), payment events have some rules and order of execution around them.

onAuthorizeSuccess and onAuthorizeFailed are terminal events. This means each request will result in at least a success or failed state and corresponding event will be fired. Rules for event execution are defined below:

  • onPaymentButtonClicked (UI Event) - if this returns false, this also calls onAuthorizeFailed as terminal event.
  • onThreeDSecureChallenge - triggered when the user sees the 3D Secure popup.
  • onPaymentSessionExpired - in case of unauthorized request. Also calls onAuthorizeFailed as terminal event.
  • onAuthorizeFailed - when payment authorization fails.
  • onAuthorizeSuccess - when payment authorization is successful

Web SDK Event Glossary

NameTypeDescriptionFunction Signature
onPaymentOptionSelectedUItriggered each time the payment option is selected

for saved instrument both instrument details and payment method config are returned

for payment method only payment method config is returned
(e: onPaymentMethodSelectedParams) => void
onSaveInstrumentCheckboxChangedUItriggered each time save instrument checkbox changes state({ checked }: { checked: boolean }) => void;
onPaymentButtonClickedUItriggered each time, user clicks on the payment button.

This event is called just before the SDK makes a call to authorize.

callback passed to this event should return a Promise which resolves to a boolean

If this callback returns false, SDK does not make the authorize call and the user sees a payment not successful screen and also triggers onAuthorizeFailed event.
(event?: { bin?: string }) => Promise<boolean>;
onStateChangedUItriggered when payment button state changes(state: 'enabled' | 'disabled') => void;
onThreeDSecureChallengePaymenttriggered just before the user sees the 3ds popup() => void;
onPaymentSessionExpiredPaymenttriggered when authorization fails due to payment session expiration() => void;
onAuthorizeSuccessPaymenttriggered when payment authorization is successful

callback passed to this event can pass a param to get more information regarding the authorization
(event?: any) => void;
onAuthorizeFailedPaymentgeneric authorization failure event triggered for all the authorization failure reasons.

callback passed to this event can pass a param to get more information regarding the reason of failure
(event?: any) => void;
onChangeUItriggered when changes are made to the card form(event: OnChange) => void;
onFocusUItriggered when any input field inside the card form triggers focus event() => void;
onReadyUItriggered when the card form is rendered and ready to pay() => void;
onCardChangeUItriggered when user selects a different saved instrument in the saved instrument list(selectedCard: StoredPaymentInstrument<CardMetadata>) => void

React Native Event Glossary

NameDescriptionFunction Signature
onAuthorizeSuccessTriggered when payment authorization is successful() => void;
onAuthorizeFailureTriggered when payment authorization fails() => void;
onAuthorizeErrorTriggered in case of when BE returns 5xx or the client throws. For unsuccessful authorizations onAuthorizeFailure is fired(error: any) => void;
onAuthenticationErrorTriggered when the access token is expired() => void;
onAuthorizeStartTriggered when the payment button is clicked.
If the resolved value is false, then the payment is canceled. It fires after a user clicks the payment button. It allows a merchant to perform additional checks and block the payment if needed
() => Promise<boolean>;
onRequestProgressChangeTriggered when authorization request changes state. It can be used to show a loading state(isInProgress: boolean) => void;
onAuthorizeCancelTriggered when user closed a popup (for paypal) or a webview (for 3DS) without completing the challenge. This is only available for APM hooks:



() => void;